Jubilees Palimpsest

The Jubilees Palimpsest Project

People Involved in Each Phase of the Project

2023 University of Notre Dame Capture and Processing of Ambrosiana F130sup Greek Commentary on Luke

Todd Hanneken (TRH), Jubilees Palimpsest Project, St. Mary’s University

Gregory Heyworth, Lazarus Project, University of Rochester

David Licicum, University of Notre Dame

Lilly Davis, University of Notre Dame

Jennifer Guo, University of Notre Dame

Carlos Garcia Alayon, University of Notre Dame

Garrett Haddock, University of Notre Dame

Matthew Klem, University of Notre Dame

Jeremiah Coogan, Jesuit School of Theology

Group Photo

Additional supporters currently or formerly at the University of Notre Dame

Julia Schneider, University of Notre Dame, specialist in Medieval literature and information science (nd.edu)

W. Martin Bloomer, University of Notre Dame, specialist in Greek and Roman classical literature (nd.edu)

Robert Randolf Coleman, University of Notre Dame, specialist in art history (nd.edu)

Brian Daley, University of Notre Dame, specialist in early Christian literature (nd.edu)

James C. VanderKam, University of Notre Dame, specialist in ancient Jewish literature (nd.edu)

Andrew Irving, University of Notre Dame, specialist in codicology and digital humanities (digitalmanuscripts.eu)

2016–2019 “Spectral RTI Technology for the Recovery of Erased Manuscripts from Antiquity”

Initials indicated when used in identifying responsibility for processed image files or annotation tags.

Project Director

Todd Hanneken (TRH), St. Mary’s University (San Antonio), Project Director, specialist in ancient Jewish literature (stmarytx.edu)

2017 Capture in Milan and Data Processing

Anthony Selvanathan, St. Mary’s University, Graduate Student Researcher

Michael Phelps, Early Manuscripts Electronic Library, specialist in spectral imaging and artifact handling (emel-library.org)

Damianos Kasotakis (DKS), Early Manuscripts Electronic Library, specialist in spectral data capture (emel-library.org)

Ken Boydston, MegaVision Corporation, President, specialist in digital imaging (megavision.com)

Roger Easton, Jr. (RLE), Rochester Institute of Technology, specialist in spectral imaging and processing (rit.edu)

Keith Knox (KTK), Early Manuscripts Electronic Library, specialist in imaging science (researchgate.net)

Giulia Rossetto, University of Vienna, specialist in ancient literature and digital humanities (academia.edu)

2017-2019 Student Researchers

The following students at St. Mary’s University worked for the project during academic years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. They contributed to the TEI XML of Ceriani’s 1861 edition, the Latin Moses Paleography chart, and annotating manuscript images according to the readings of Ceriani and what they could see.

2018 Scholars Workshop

James C. VanderKam, University of Notre Dame, specialist in ancient Jewish literature (nd.edu)

Annette Yoshiko Reed, New York University, specialist in ancient Jewish and Christian literature (nyu.edu)

Software Developers, SpectralRTI_Toolkit

Bryan Haberberger, St. Louis University Ong Center for Digital Humanities, specialist in Java software development (slu.edu)

Donal Hegarty, St. Louis University Ong Center for Digital Humanities, specialist in user interface design and project management (slu.edu)

Additional supporters

Matthias Henze, Rice University, specialist in ancient Jewish literature (rice.edu)

Liv Ingeborg Lied, Norwegian School of Theology, specialist in ancient Jewish literature and manuscript cultures (mn.no, blogspot.com)

2013–2014 Integrating Spectral RTI

Todd Hanneken, St. Mary’s University (San Antonio), Project Director, specialist in ancient Jewish literature (stmarytx.edu)

Matthew Klassen, St. Mary’s University, Graduate Student Researcher

Michael Phelps, Early Manuscripts Electronic Library, specialist in spectral imaging and artifact handling (emel-library.org)

Ken Boydston, MegaVision Corporation, President, specialist in digital imaging (megavision.com)

Roger Easton, Jr., Rochester Institute of Technology, specialist in spectral imaging and processing (rit.edu)

William Christens-Barry, Equipoise Imaging, specialist in spectral imaging and illumination (eqpi.net)

Bruce Zuckerman, University of Southern California, specialist in RTI and ancient Near Eastern texts (usc.edu)

Marilyn Lundberg, University of Southern California, specialist in RTI and ancient Near Eastern texts (usc.edu)

Leta Hunt, University of Southern California, specialist in RTI and information management (usc.edu)

Kenneth Zuckerman, University of Southern California, specialist in RTI and imaging humanities artifacts (usc.edu)