Three persons in one God
God is relational
Mystery – can be contemplated but always remains beyond human comprehension
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Creator, redeemer, sanctifier
Being itself, builder, life-giver
Lover, beloved, love
Sun, sunbeam, sun on face
Stream, river, ocean
Geometry: triangle, tetrahedron, three circles
The Gateway Arch in St. Louis has three sides. You can see all three sides at once at different distances but no more than two at the same distance. (JPG)
(Or just accept that humans will never grasp God’s nature)
Genesis 1:1-2, When God began to create heaven and earth the earth was formless and void and darkness was over the deep. Then God’s breath blew over the water and God said, “Let there be light.’ Then there was light.
Genesis 1:26-27, Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness… God created human in God’s image; in the image of God, God created them; male and female God created them.
Genesis 2:7, God formed the human out of the dust of the ground and blew into its nostrils the breath of life, and the human became a living being.
Note influence on Nicene Creed, textbook
God the Father = God the creator
God the Son = The Word as Instrument of Creation
God the Holy Spirit = God’s breath = God’s spirit
Time of origin implies rank of divinity
If originated 2000 years ago then only human
Arius: first begotten before the rest of creation
Council of Nicaea: eternally begotten
God becomes flesh
Adoptionist view: born human and promoted to divinity
Docetism: God appearing human
Nicaea: fully God and fully human
If a single human escaped death then resuscitation
If God only then immortality is boring and has no implications for humanity
Resurrection of Christ, being fully God and fully human, becomes cosmic defeat of death and extends to all humans
“We look for the resurrection of the dead.”
God became a man (shallow incarnation)
God became man
God became human, one of us
God became flesh
God became nature (deep incarnation)