Trinity (three persons in one god)
Scripture and Tradition as religious authority (Catholic view)
Communion of Saints (more emphasized among Catholics)
Intercession (more emphasized among Catholics)
Ecclesiology (what is the church?)
“Therefore I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints, and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the lord our God”
Historical Context of the French Revolution
The Founders
Characteristics of Marianist Universities
As someone from the outside of religion, it sure seems that mary is very overlooked.
If religions believe Mary gave birth to Jesus and that’s it, why do Christians have figures to worship just as they have of Jesus.
I found it shocking that Mary the mother of Jesus was controversial. I thought Mary being the mother of Jesus was believed by Christians and Catholics. But I now know that Muslims believed this as well.
Do Christians give the same recognition to Muhammed, that Muslims do to Mary?
Why are other people who go to heaven not also assumed?
Does that mean that Mary never made a mistake, or just that she never sinned?
Would it be right to assume that God chose Mary because she was free of sin?
What does the reading mean when it says that Gabriel challenged Mary?
What would have happened if Mary said no to the angel Gabriel? How did Joseph react?
Why is Mary not mentioned more often in scripture since she is the Mother of Jesus?
When it says that she was the interpretation for the church I took it as the Church itself is what gave birth to Jesus, which is kind of a beautiful notion.
The idea of the Communion of Saints was new to me.