Volunteers Needed

This documentation and the tools it describes (especially the SpectralRTI_Toolkit) are under active development. Bug reports and feedback are most welcome. (EMAIL)


  1. What is Spectral RTI and do I need it? (LINK)
    1. Cost/benefit of adding RTI (LINK)
    2. Cost/benefit of adding raking (LINK)
    3. Cost/benefit of adding spectral (LINK)
    4. How does the integration work? (LINK)
  2. Capture hardware (LINK)
    1. Spectral imaging hardware (LINK)
    2. Fixed dome for RTI capture (LINK)
    3. Swinging arc for RTI capture (LINK)
    4. Hand-held flash for RTI capture (LINK)
  3. Capture procedures (LINK)
    1. Light position capture and calibration (LINK)
    2. Hemisphere captures for RTI (LINK)
    3. Preprocessing typically done at capture (LINK)
  4. Processing with the SpectralRTI_Toolkit (LINK)
    1. Software installation (LINK)
    2. Managing input data (LINK)
    3. Running for the first time (LINK)
    4. Select tasks (LINK)
    5. Adjust brightness (LINK)
    6. Static raking option (LINK)
    7. Options for Extended Spectrum (LINK)
    8. Identify region of interest (for Extended Spectrum and Pseudocolor) (LINK)
    9. Options for PCA Pseudocolor (LINK)
    10. Options for custom processes (LINK)
    11. Light position data (LINK)
    12. Additional prompts (LINK)
    13. Tips for frequent use (LINK)
  5. Make the images accessible to users (LINK)
    1. RTI files (LINK)
    2. WebRTI (LINK)
    3. Tiled and layered Jpeg2000 files for IIIF (LINK)
  6. Help make Spectral RTI better
  7. Glossary (LINK)

Test the SpectralRTI_Toolkit on MacOS


  1. WebGLRTIMaker